Goodlabs has extensive experience in supporting foundations, charities and social enterprises with the development of Theory of Change models.
We believe that the best Theory of Change models are set apart by the degree to which they clarify understanding about how an organisation creates change in the lives of individuals and communities. As a form of diagrammatic process model a good Theory of Change ought to explain the relationships between three core elements:
· Context: insights about the people in focus and the issues being addressed
· Response: actions and interventions taken and how they are organised
· Impact: the outcomes achieved, with associated indicators revealing change.
A few examples of Theory of Change models we’ve produced in recent years are presented below.
Getting hands-on
We’ve developed a special ‘lab’ format through which we can guide organisations through the process of generating a Theory of Change model from first principles. The lab involves a sequence of creative, group-based, table-top activities. Each task builds on the one before until the whole model has been covered. Multiple stakeholders can be involved to generate the different perspectives and insights required.
Multi-stakeholder lab event co-producing outcomes together, May 2022